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Services Provided by Beyond Opioids
Beyond Opioids is committed to meeting the civil legal needs of our clients to ensure successful prevention, treatment, and recovery from SUD. We strive to expand and grow our project to be responsive for those needs by diligently pursuing funding opportunities. In the interim, we strategically focus our limited resources to serve those at the highest risk of acquiring SUD, families with the least sources to address active SUD in the household, and those whose successful treatment and recovery is jeopardized because of civil legal barriers.
Our limited resources means establishing a financial eligibility threshold which you can learn about here, prioritizing certain types of civil legal issues, and providing different levels of services depending on the issues you are facing.
Types of Legal Issues
Here are examples of the kinds of legal issues Beyond Opioids can help with. However, if your issue does not fall into one of these areas, we still recommend you call our VIP Helpline, because we may still be able to help!
Orders of Protection
Custody and Visitation
Eviction Defense
Housing Discrimination
Landlord/Tenant Dispute
Criminal Record Sealing
Tax Controversies
Medicaid / Medicare
Employment Issues
Levels of Service
Depending on a number of factors, you will receive one of the following levels of service:
Self-Help or Pro Se Resources
Pro se means you act as your own attorney. If we are unable to help you, you can find legal information under the Self-Help Resources tab or here.
Legal Advice
If we are not able to represent you, our attorneys will give you advice tailored to your specific situation.
Limited Scope Representation
If we are not able to go to court with you, we may be able to make calls on your behalf, draft documents, or negotiate for you.
Full Representation
This is when our attorneys will handle all aspects of your case for you, including going to court with you.